How Do the Top Students Study?


Student Studying — National Society of High School Scholars
NSHSS (National Society of High School Scholars) — Students Studying

The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) provides resources for students as they navigate their college careers.

Finding the right study techniques may take some trial and error since every person is different and has a unique way of absorbing information. Below are some tips that may help you get the most use of your study time.

1. Study Every Day

Some students find it helpful to study every day after class even if their professors have not assigned homework. You may want to go over each lesson by looking through your notes after class. This may help you retain the information while it is still fresh in your mind which can be more beneficial trying to cram the night before a test.

2. Write Out Your Notes by Hand

In this digital age, many of us want to take out our laptops to type out our notes instead of writing them by hand. Although this may be easier, many people do not retain the information as well as they would if they wrote their notes out by hand. When on a laptop, you are more likely to mindlessly type what the professor is saying instead of actually paying attention to the lecture. Writing by hand makes it more likely that you will actively listen to what is being said other than just writing down what you think might be important. Laptops can also be a huge distraction since it is easy to have your mind wander through the vast world of the internet.

3. Do Not Procrastinate

Many of us have developed the bad habit of procrastination which can be detrimental to your study habits. When a project, essay, or test due date is coming up, it is important to plan out your time ahead to make sure you are using your time efficiently and have enough time to complete your assignment as effectively as possible. Planning ahead and avoiding procrastination can help you do better on your assignments since you can have adequate time to ask questions and avoid mistakes.

4. Sit in the Front Row in the Classroom

Many of us shy away from the front row but sitting up front can be very beneficial to your education. Sitting in the front row can prosper a better relationship between you and your professor and can help you pay attention and avoid having your mind wander. It can also help you feel more involved in the lecture and retain the information better.

5. Group Study Sessions

Studying with a group of students from your class can be very beneficial. Studying in a group can help you gain a new perspective on the classroom material that you may not have thought about on your own. Sharing notes and talking through the lesson with someone other than your professor can help you retain the classroom information in a new way.

NSHSS encourages dedicated, high-performing students to join their ranks. As a member, students will have a plethora of opportunities to attend leadership sessions, job fairs, and other high-value events. NSHSS also provide staff to assist with scholarships, internship and study abroad applications alike.



National Society of High School Scholars
National Society of High School Scholars

Written by National Society of High School Scholars


Since 2002, NSHSS has been supporting young academics on their journey to college and beyond as they prepare to become the leaders of tomorrow.

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